Thursday, September 2, 2010

#13 and 14

Katie and Glen. Katie is my wife's best friend. We have known them the entire time we have been in Jax, almost ten years. They are good people. Glen was easy and his portrait looks just like him. Katie was a little more trouble. There is something off here which I haven't figured out, but it's close enough to recognize her.

This is my cousin, Phil, and his wife, Deb. They live near Gainesville, FL. Phil and I were born just a few hours apart on the same day. We celebrated our 50th birthday together deep-sea fishing out of Mayport.

River Autumn Day

I snapped this picture from a boat dock on Julington Creek in Jacksonville. This has been the most complex painting I have tried so far. I learned an incredible amount doing this and know where most of the mistakes are. Unfortunately, I'm not good enough yet to correct them. That will only come with practice.

I'm going to take this painting to the owner of the boat and see what happens. Who knows?